Monday, November 19, 2012

new friend became best friend

hahaha... lol for this title but it's true and so true
he's very kind, nice, humble, funny and everything
I often talk to him and sharing what had happened
fortunately, he's a good listener
he always answer my question, give me quote, motivation and many more
we're friend, buddies, brother-sister
and I love everything about him :)
now he'll be my best friend
just because he gives me happiness then I write everything about him
I don't forget my best best friend, seriously!
but he's just different for me, even for anyone else out there

I have said that he's really funny and kind and sometimes he makes me laughing
well, i want to show you what he said

Me, "S, I love my friends so much, but they don't"
S, "they want to take care of you, they won't something bad happen to you.. just be positive!"

Me, "would you be my best friend?"
S, "No...I want to be your bestest friend"
(hahaha LOL)

"They probably themselves entangled with the wrong person. Love doesn't make one a fool. It makes him/her a better person."

"You were given this life because you're strong enough to live it. so, be strong 'cause no one is gonna be strong for you"

"I'm aware that the inevitable result of life is death and that in order to truly live you must first understand the purpose of death"

when I said God has a good plan for our friendship then he replied "Well.. for one thing. He has gave me this wonderful chance to talk to a good person such as yourself. believe it or not. we're buddies :)"

it's a simply conversation between him and I..
he's young, maybe can fly and get up in the morning and he has 'uyeng-uyeng' on his forehead :p
OMG!! there are so many codes in this post sssstt :p

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Moving Forward

I just want to share about my friend's quote. He gave me some quotes about live and always give me motivation. I really appreciate and admire him. And this one from him, I don't know where he got these words but until now I'm still motivated with these words :)

Let me tell you something you already know....
the world ain't all sunshine and rainbow. It's very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will BEAT YOU to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.
You, me or nobody is gonna HIT as HARD as LIFE. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can GET HIT and KEEP MOVING FORWARD. How much you can take and moving forward. That's   how winning is done!
Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to TAKE THIS HIT and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be BECAUSE of HIM or HER or ANYBODY!
COWARDS DO THAT and that ain't you! You're better than that!

Thank you AB

Monday, April 16, 2012

time really flies

you know how the time flies
only yesterday was the time of our lives


nevermind I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too


time really flies, dude!
I always remember your eyes, how you staring at many things
I haven't met you yet....
I missing you now, at least untill now
I wanna be sunshine and I know how the painfull them
chance spend the time with our memories

I miss you like crazy!


damn! damn! damn! I wish you were here

Saturday, December 24, 2011

missing you

I'm tired of the hustle and bustle
makes me feel even more uncomfortable
people are selfish with what they do
they just don't know how this will pass

if the world would stop spinning
am I going to pass it easily?
if the sun doesn't shine anymore
how do I fight today and tomorrow?

I wondered about the truth
guess it was so appalling
I fear getting a nightmare
after you left me alone, how could this happen?
you have to explain to me

you're right, there is still a blue sky and bright clouds
they aren't gray with thunderstorm
You're so right, flowers still blossoming
they are shapely flowers and not shrivel up

I hate to say like this
missing you isn't good enough for me
guess love is what I did dumb things
I hate to admit that I still need you
hate that you're too sensitive
oh, stop! satisfied are you?

there is no sense of consternation
there is no sense of feud

there is no sorry
no longer current ignorance
I didn't mean to love you
I didn't mean to get so close
and I didn't mean to miss you then

Thursday, June 9, 2011

call him! sunrise

Dalam diam aku termenung
Dalam sesak aku terisak
Menunggu akan hadirnya dirimu
Aku masih menunggu...

Aku kehilangan logika ku
Sebuah dimensi cinta yang ia bawa
Tanpa arah, tanpa peringatan dan tanpa tujuan
Dan sakit ku masih tersimpan rapat disini... Disini

Mungkin kau tak tahu aku tidak bisa menghilangkannya
Mungkin kau tak tahu aku masih terdiam dan mengabaikannya
Atau mungkin kau menggangap "lupakanlah"
Bisakah kau juga melewatinya?!

Kau hadir dalam luka ku
Menawarkan seberkas cahaya lewat mata mu
Menawarkan kesejukan dari aroma mu
Menawarkan mimpi indah dalam malam ku
Dan aku terjatuh...
Bukan rasa sakit yang aku rasa
Hanya saja rasa yang aku sendiri tidak bisa mendeskribsikannya
Rasa kepadamu...
Rasa saat aku berada di dekat mu
Rasa dimana saat kau menatap ku dengan tatapan indah mu
Atau rasa saat kau tersenyum dengan senyuman manis mu itu

Aku merasa sangat jatuh
Jatuh yang tidak kebawah tetapi aku merasa memiliki sayap utuh ku
Aku jatuh dari rasa bahagia ku
Kau yang datang dari ufuk timur
Membawa cahaya orange terang dan hangat
Mengantarkan kebahagiaan saat melihat mu
Menyemangatkan waktu demi waktu saat sinarnya membangkitkan masa dimana akan tiba saatnya nanti
Membuat dentuman detak dan menormalkan alunan nafas

Hey tuan !
Kau tahu saat seseorang mulai mendapatkan mimpi buruk
Dia akan mencari seberkas cahaya terang walau hanya satu titik
Dan saat nightmare menutup akses dengan gelapnya kehidupan maka sunrise lah mempunyai kunci keikhlasan...
Kau yang lebih mengetahui itu...
Sekali lagi aku jatuh, jatuh dalam limpahan cahayamu....

kiss the rain

I often close my eyes
And I can see you smile
You reach out for my hand
And I'm woken from my dream
Although your heart is mine
It's hollow inside
I never had your love

And I never will
And every night
I lie awake
Thinking maybe you love me
Like I've always loved you
But how can you love me
Like I loved you when
You can't even look me straight in my eyes

I've never felt this way
To be so in love
To have someone there
Yet feel so alone
Aren't you supposed to be
The one to wipe my tears
The on to say that you would never leave

The waters calm and still
My reflection is there
I see you holding me
But then you disappear
All that is left of you
Is a memory
On that only, exists in my dreams

I don't know what hurts you
But I can feel it too
And it just hurts so much
To know that I can't do a thing
And deep down in my heart
Somehow I just know
That no matter what
I'll always love you

So why am I still here in the rain

Yiruma - kiss the rain lyric

Monday, May 16, 2011


Jakarta,May on 16th 2011

This is the day....
I was happy too for you guys...

Bukan berapa lama kita belajar untuk mendapatkan ini
Tapi berapa lama kita menjalin kerjasama dan kekompakan sebesar ini
Kalian yang terbaik lebih dari terbaik
Terimakasih untuk teman dan sahabat seperti kalian

Ini permulaan yang baik atau...
Kalian yang lebih tahu bagaimana ini
Senang, bahagia tiada tara, bangga, sedih
Dalam sekejap bisa merasakan segalanya
Kita yang terhebat.. Banggakah?!

Arti LULUS yang luar biasa
Tapi menyisahkan begitu banyak pertanyaan
Kemana selanjutnya kita melangkah?
Di dalam kota? Luar kota?
Apa cita-cita kalian?
Dan masih banyak hal lagi yang berputar untuk mempertanyakannya
Tapi dalam pikiranku hanya terpikir
Akankah kita berjumpa lagi dan mengulang masa ini kawan?
Sungguh aku akan merindukan kalian lebih dari ini
Walaupun kalian berkata "kita masih bisa berjumpa lagi pasti"
Lalu aku harus berpura-pura aku akan percaya
Kemungkinan kecil tapi..... Aku akan coba mempercayainya
Suatu hari nanti akan tiba saatnya

Bersenang-senanglah karna hari ini akan kita rindukan
Dihari nanti sebuah kisah klasik untuk masa depan
Bersenang-senanglah karna waktu ini akan kita banggakan
Di hari tua...
Sampai jumpa kawanku semoga kita selalu menjadi sebuah kisah klasik untuk masa depan
Kisah klasik-

Berjanjilah wahai sahabatku
Bila kau tinggalkan aku
Tetaplah tersenyum
Meski hati sedih dan menangis
Ku ingin kau tetap tabah menghadapinya
Bila kau harus pergi meninggalkan diriku
Jangan lupakan aku....
Semoga dirimu disana kan baik-baik saja
Untuk selamanya...
Disini aku kan selalu rindukan dirimu
Wahai sahabatku....
Rindukan dirimu-

Terima kasih untuk kalian teman terhebat....

Saturday, May 7, 2011


kau akan berkata apa?

datang dan kembali lalu pergi lagi..

tidak bosan kah kau mengucap janji?

dan aku pun terjatuh dalam pelukanmu..

kau tau itu membuat sesuatu gundukan kebahagian..

hingga suatu saat kau berkata "aku tidak mencintaimu, aku hanya bersandiwara dan yang aku katakan hanya omong kosong. maaf"

kau pikir kau siapa lancang menawarkan cinta yang sempurna, tapi kau tidak bisa menjalankannya...

aku salah apa?

tidak sekali atau pun dua kali. berkali kali ini terjadi

dan aku pun sakit lagi

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I walked the narrow streets in the silent hill
where I won't find a crowded
I walked to the corner of a vast park
which I hope, I will feel comfortable
I stared at the blue sky and thin clear clouds
where my heart will calm

pieces of memories of us remind me of you
these things more than what you know
and I grew up become another person
leave all the memories in that place

you can run and keep shining in the dark of the night
give smiles like you used to
give more attentions and perfect eyes
but I know, it doesn't belong to me
only for a beautiful diamond in somewhere

if I could fall asleep again stared at this silence
I wish I was there in the middle of your happiness

can we repeat it back to the that time?
will you singing all of our favorite songs?
would you listen to the radio station tonight?
are you going to say that you are still love me?
I know that all against the time

if I could fall asleep again stared at this silence
I wish I was there in the middle of your happiness

I will run and didn't bring our memories
I will shine and look ahead
I will grow up on my dimension
I will running out and charging love into someone, someday
I promise, this is right

I'll try even though I couldn't face it on
by dita